About us
We are Rap for Refugees
Rap for Refugees is a project for the integration and strengthening of the personality of young people from precarious life situations, as well as for participants who are interested in the workshops and the joint creative process. For this purpose, we use the art form "rap" to ensure interpersonal access to the young people and to provide them with tools and a valve for expression. The language of "Hip Hop / Rap" is the same worldwide and is therefore going beyond all language barriers. That this is an art form with a decisive influence on the young people around the globe, should be out of question.
Furthermore, this art form strengthens their self-confidence, gives them hope and a chance to actively participate in social life. These skills and the lively exchange with their fellow human beings will have a positive effect on their own development and will prepare them for other situations. Likewise, it will give them long-term opportunities to become more professional in this area.
The focus of our work in addition to the workshops, however, is clearly to create platforms where the learned skills can be presented. We also build on many collaborations with partners who are active in this field. On the one hand, we aim to provide them with a platform for their work, and on the other, we make it possible for them to gain access to the target groups through these partnerships.
Our work
In order to achieve the stated goals, we offer regular workshops in the areas of rap, beatboxing, graffiti and producing. Another course, only for girls and women, is in the planning stage. Day projects in schools are also in the conception phase, whereby our co-operation through school workgroups at two schools has already begun.
Furthermore, once a year our big festival takes place in Hamburg, which serves as a stage for the workshop results, as well as for newcomers, local and established artists. We started on the 28th of June 2017 with the big "Rap for Refugees – Festival" at Markthalle Hamburg. The second edition on 17th of February 2018 was then sold out with over 1,000 guests.
After deduction of all costs, which includes the three additional trial courses in graffiti, beatbox and streetdance, which take place on the same day for more than 60 young refugees, the generated income will be shared with our local cooperation partner "basis & woge e. V." and will be also donated to "Mission Lifeline e. V.". The rest is used to finance the workshops that take place as part of our organisation.
*The project is funded by donations, sponsors and grants.